I recently did an event at Northshire Bookstore in Manchester, Vermont. Northshire is universally recognized as the preeminent bookseller in the State of Vermont. It has a faithful, steady clientele and its staff actively hand-sell titles. One of them, a cheerful crystal-eyed guy called Stan, is known throughout the publishing industry for having a singular ability to inspire sales of one thousand copies or more of a single title. Because of this, he is swamped with review copies of books that come to Northshire from everywhere. [Read more…]
Archives for October 2018
What Comes to Pass You Shall Write
In all the years I’ve been doing book signings and appearances, I’ve had a few eerie moments. The most usual is a person coming to an event merely because there is an event. They have absolutely no interest in the book or its author. They may be attracted to the makeshift arrangement of chairs. Perhaps they think there might be a giveaway or free wine and cheese after I get done with my spiel about my book and why I wrote it.
However, some people who come have connected with the book in a very powerful and meaningful way.